Friday, July 12, 2013

New Hobbies on the Horizon - Is There Enough Time?

Yes, it has been over six months since my last post.  I have had several ideas for topics about which to write, and I have even written most of them down.  You know how it goes, though.  "Life gets in the way."

Since January, I have completed construction on a new home, moved, been promoted at work, become a landlord, spent quite a bit of time in hotels for work, and been diagnosed with Post Concussion Syndrome following an accident in my garage.  Needless to explain further, I have had a few things on my plate.

One advantage of the move is that I now have a new testing ground for fishing techniques since my new place has two ponds full of bass.  I would expect fishing posts will definitely pop up here and there.

Apparently, I might be tackling a new hobby or three in the very near future.  I do look forward to exploring those options and possibly writing about the adventures. 
  • I was recently introduced to golf.  Golf is a sport for which I have always had a curiosity.  I had worked at several jobs with access to free golf, but I was always afraid it would take away from fishing time and finances.
  • When building the new place, I always wanted to have a room with a pool table.  Well, I now have that.  I am not very good, but I enjoy the pastime.  My billiard sessions were limited following the concussion because of the dizziness that came with leaning over to shoot.   Symptoms are improving, though, so it should not be too long before my game gets better.
  • For the last few years, I have struggled with ups and downs in my weight and fitness.  I lost a lot, then I gained a lot (more than once).  Last spring, I began the P90X program.  It was hard, but I enjoyed the challenge.  The visual and capability results are definitely evident.  I made it about half way through, but I stopped because of job change and injury.  I intend to start back next week after I get back from a work trip.  Having done it before should help in being able to modify the program slightly to best fit my abilities and work around a nagging hip injury.

Thanks again for reading.  Maybe the next post will not have to wait six months.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're posting more frequently again and sharing your thoughts with the world!
